Our dynamic and friendly community choirs sing a wide range of songs in harmony – musicals, pop, folk, jazz, world and more. There are no auditions, and we welcome experienced singers and beginners alike. All our songs are taught in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
“Many people who join our choirs have not sung for quite a while, except perhaps in the car or the shower. Sometimes they have even been told they can’t sing! It’s always great when they get more confident and start enjoying themselves.”
Hilary Bishop
We learn new songs every term and many great songs are suggested by members of the choir, who also offer help and support to each other. Each choir has created its own social life. Coffee mornings and after choir pub visits often happen and there is a friendly buzz before each choir practice. All choirs meet during term time and take breaks following the school holidays.
Header image credit: LDCapturedImages

Angmering Voices
Angmering Voices is a choir for women that meets in Angmering Village on Thursday early evening. If you live near Angmering, have always wanted to join a choir or been singing in the shower for years, this could be the choir for you! The choir is very welcoming, enjoy performing and our practices are fun.
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Coda Community Choir
Coda Choir is the only MusicSmart choir to work from score and most singers in Coda Choir do read music. They meet in Southbourne on Wednesday evenings and some singers adjourn to the pub afterwards for a chat and a pint! They make a great sound, sing in four-part harmony and love their musicals, American Songbook numbers and pop songs.
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Felpham Community Singers
Felpham Community Singers was the first local community choir to be directed by Hilary Bishop and Paula McGovern and it inspired the creation of Just Sing Bognor. Both choirs learn their songs from word sheets and sing with great confidence and enthusiasm. Felpham Community Singers meets on Tuesday evenings.
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Just Sing Bognor
Just Sing Bognor is a welcoming community choir, meeting in central Bognor Regis on Friday lunchtimes. Practices are fun and songs from musicals, pop, films and folk are sung from word sheets. Just Sing Bognor work towards successful showcase performances where they join together with family and friends and share their love of singing.
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Recovery Choir
The Recovery Choir is MusicSmart’s newest choir. Hilary Bishop and Paula McGovern are great believers in the therapeutic value of singing and the benefits of singing with other people. If you are recovering or living with an illness, or feeling isolated, this gentle choir could be for you.
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SingSing Choir
SingSing is a vibrant women’s choir that meets in Felpham on Friday mornings. Learning songs from word sheets, they make an exciting sound, love performing and sing in harmony. Singers often meet for a coffee after the practice.
Read more >Get in touch now if you’re interested in joining any choir or would like to find out more, and we’ll offer you a free choir session as soon as possible!
The Benefits of Singing
Joining a choir has never been more popular and more and more people are discovering the joys of singing together. The positive effect on your wellbeing is backed up by many scientific studies, showing plenty of health benefits:
- Whether you’re feeling a bit down or are just looking for an activity that makes you feel good, singing in a choir is proven to give everyone a boost to their wellbeing. Singing releases endorphins which reduce stress and anxiety levels and contribute to a positive mental state.
- Making the time to socialise and meet new people is so important, and the regular commitment of choir rehearsals and the friendship it brings is a great way to boost your social life.
- There are plenty of physical benefits to joining a choir. Singing increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, raises energy levels, and works on a range of muscles in the upper body.
- Performing as part a group helps you to overcome nerves and build confidence in your own abilities. It’s also a great opportunity to share your passion for singing with friends and family.
Choirs FAQs
What do I need to bring to choir?
We recommend some water, a pencil, a folder with your word sheets or music.
How do I pay?
Payment is made in half termly amounts, in advance. Most people pay by BACS transfer although there is the option of paying each half term in advance by cheque or cash. We don’t accept weekly payment, with the sole exception of the Recovery Choir. When you have chosen your choir, a payment email will be sent to you giving further details. Please note that we are unable to give refunds for missed sessions.
How does the linked choir system work?
If you miss a practice with your own choir, you can make it up by attending a practice with your linked choir. For example, if you are a member of Felpham Community Singers and you are away for a week – you are welcome to attend Just Sing Bognor as a guest singer on another week to make up your missed session. The linked choirs usually work on the same songs. Many singers take advantage of this offer so they can catch up if they have been away and it also has the bonus of getting to know more people.
Angmering Voices and SingSing are the other two linked MusicSmart choirs.
How will I know about performances and workshops and socials?
When you join a choir you can opt in to receive our monthly Newspost or you can do that using the newsletter sign up at the bottom of this page.
Do you have policies for the welfare, safety and enjoyment of members?
Yes. Please download our Handbook (PDF, opens in new tab/window) which provides you with information regarding our protocols, procedures, expectations of members and policies. It is required that you read and agree to the rules and conditions of the handbook prior to taking part in any MusicSmart activities.